Tuesday, August 14, 2012

HHW Day or How I Ended My Eight Year Winning Streak Against the Sun

Last weekend I ventured back to my alma mater to work my very first household hazardous waste day.  For those of you who do not know what that is, it is basically an event where people from all around the city can come and drop off any hazardous wastes they may have and feel assured in the fact that they will be disposed of properly.  Pretty cool things actually!

As some of you may know, I work for a waste treatment company so it makes sense that we would have a role in these HHW days.  Nothing really funny happened that day but I did get a photo of myself in steel toed boots, a hazmat suit, protective gloves, and safety goggles so that’s really the point of this post.

Also, I got sunburnt, it’s a long story.  Until this weekend I’m pretty sure I hadn’t been sunburnt in like 8 years.  I want to say it was a trip to Cedar Point my freshman year of high school.  Bummer day.  

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